I love "Secret Pal" swaps. When I joined the Garland guild last summer I couldn't wait to sign up for the swap this year. I got my questionnaire and filled out all the usual questions
about likes and dislikes.
I got my partner and she is a definite challenge. Polar opposite of me. Crazy quilts, applique, lace, velvet, toille, ruffles, and almost everything in her house seems to be the same 1 color. It's been hard shopping for her. I'm glad the Dallas Quilt Show is in a couple of weeks because I intend to shop for things to give her the rest of the year.
On the other hand, whoever has me ROCKS!!! In January I got a gift card to Target. My favorite store next to JoAnn's. At the February meeting I walked in and saw this on the table

I had been in a really lousy mood and just seeing the envelope boosted my spirits. I can't bear to get rid of it. Then I opened it and found

I had mentioned I collect Antique sheet music. I don't think she realized it but tucked inside this piece was another page with the chorus to another golden oldie. WOW! I've already sat down and attempted to play both. They are quite challenging, but I've been looking for something new to play. Along with these were a big handful of Reeses Peanut Butter cups,
which I've already eaten :)
I love my Secret Pal, whoever you are!
I also recently participated in a "Sweet Swap" on
QATW and didn't give that many details, but here's the bounty I got from it-

10 very bright FQ's, a quilting jigsaw puzzle, some Ghiradelli chocolates, a quilters emory board, and wallhanging kit. I can't wait to use the fabrics! and I've been good and only eaten 1 piece of chocolate even though it's been in the house over a week.
I've been sewing a lot again too- will post about that tomorrow. Gotta get back to work!