Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tackle it 2sday #2

Today I'm going to see how much I can get done on a Charity quilt. I have the fabrics in the dryer now. A nice bright focus print which I'll cut 6 inch squares of and some matching brights which I think I'm going to make pinwheels with. Not even sure how many pinwheels I need yet but I'll figure that out.

The non-quilty project of the day is several loads of laundry including bedding. I always hate doing that. Since I have this bad head cold it will include washing our pillows.

Of course I'm also going to be watching the Inauguration. What an exciting time in America. I remember watching the Inaugurations of Reagan, Clinton, and the most recent Bush, but I never felt then what I'm feeling today. I feel a sense of hope and change and really think we're in for a much brighter future.

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