Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Only 1 thing today

Keeping it very easy...

I have these from a Friendship Block Swap on Quilting Around the World

I have the fabrics cut and HST's pieced for an additional 11 blocks and will see how many of them I can get made.

Out Like a Lamb

I can't believe March is over already. It started in a blur with getting ready for the Irish Festival, and then I worked a lot of extra hours for several weeks, plus I got to enjoy the Dallas Quilt Show.

I'm glad to report that I was able to complete the 3 goals I set for myself last week. I posted the picture of "Orange You Glad" and here is the finished charity top...

I also finished counting all the stash, (not including the 4 large tubs of scraps) and I have a grand total of 872.5 yards. How many quilts is that tirane?

I've been thinking about goals for April. I have a few scrappy projects that I have started on so I know those will be on the list. I want to make these small manageable goals, as I also need to take some time to concentrate on my health again. I'm going to be making a renewed effort to bust stash AND pounds.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

And now presenting...

It's done. It might be a little wonky, and I wish I'd spaced some colors out differently, but "Orange You Glad" is done. It will be a while before I use setting triangles again.

Stash Report Week 13

Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 18.625 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 3 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date: 45 1/2 yards

I am "unofficially" participating in Quiltathon. I thought I was going to be gone most of the weekend, but instead I've been home, sewing away. My dizzy spells have come back a bit.

I'm simultaneously working on 3 projects- finishing the stash project, the borders on the charity quilt, and working on another stash busting project of my own.

I am on a roll! Better get back to it!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Stash Count

Here is where the stash count currently stands. There are many small and mid-size tubs still to go but all the big ones are done except the borders/backings tub and it's on the agenda for tonight.

  • Brights- 145 yds
  • Novelties-79 yds
  • Batiks-29.6 yds
  • Neutrals- 92.4 yds
  • Fall- 42 yds
  • Black & Whites- 25 yds
  • Christmas- 39 yds

added to the list this morning...

  • Bugs- 13 yds
  • Foods- 23 yds
  • Southwest-23 yds
  • Halloween-15.5 yds

For a total so far of 524 yards.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tackle it 2sday

I'm still feeling a little under the weather but today I'm going to continue counting stash. The non-quilty thing I'm going to do is take at least 10 things out of my car. I have made a lot of progress on the front seat and the trunk but you could run a garage sale out of the backseat. LOL.

When I was at Sit & Sew at tirane's house on Saturday she helped me decide on the background color for Judy's stash project. We decided on Orange...not a color I would typically pick but it works. I only have 3 large yardage pieces of bright orange in my stash so one of them better work. I'll be checking that out today too. Maybe I'll even get the triangles cut.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Stash Report Week 12

Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 18.625 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 8 yard
Fabric Used Year to Date: 42 1/2 yards

Fabrics used this week were for backing given to tirane, and 2 yards sent to a friend in exchange for a book...I've been sewing again, but it's out of the scrap box.

My goals for the rest of March:

  • Finish Judy's Stash project
  • Finish counting stash
  • put border on the charity pinwheel quilt.
This past week was crazy busy since it was spring break, and I've come down with a cold, but I think I can..I think I can...I think I can.....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Top of the Morning to ya! I hope you're wearing your green! If not you'll get pinched!

Several years ago I began volunteering at the North Texas Irish Festival. My friends Chuck and Jodie run the Performer Products booth where the CD's of all the groups performing are sold. The last 2 years I have been their Finance Manager. Essentially I sit and run the cash register for the weekend. I thoroughly enjoy doing it and have met lots of really interesting people, not to mention some of the performers.

The festival takes place at Fair Park and is spread out amongst several buildings. The outdoor stage, named the Shannon stage, is where the Celtic Rock groups perform. They are always my favorite. This year I took several breaks to go listen to my favorite local group perform. Needfire is made up of a Father & Son and several friends. I tried to take lots of pictures but none of them came out very well. Here's the best one. Good looking guys in kilts!

I also used the weekend to do a little research into my ancestry. I am Irish on my Mothers side and Scottish on my Fathers side. Angus MacClellan was my great-grandfather. Now how much more of a Scottish name can you get? I spent a little bit of time at the Clan MacClellan booth in the Scottish Village. I really want to learn more about my Celtic roots.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat.
May the road rise with you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Stash Report, Week 11

Fabric Added this Week: 4.5 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 18.625 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 1 yard
Fabric Used Year to Date: 34 1/2 yards

I went to the Dallas Quilt Show on Saturday and will post more about that later. I did buy a 3 yard piece of a beautiful batik and 4 brown FQ's and 2 Black & White FQ's. The brown FQ's are going straight into a project I'm working on currently. The rest is going into stash.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Gotta Wear Shades

I want to show off a few of the blocks I've made from Judy's Stash project. I am way behind in making this top but I do have all the main blocks made. I am still trying to decide what to do for the 4 corner blocks and what color to use for the setting triangles.

I will try to take a picture later with all the blocks so that I can get your ideas.

Stash Report, Week 10

This is really week 10. Last week's was really week 9.

Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 14.125 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date: 34 1/2 yards

I did make Judy's Stash project blocks, but I pulled from my scrap bin and am not counting that in yardage. It barely made a dent in my bright scraps. I'll do another post later today with pictures of my blocks.

This weekend is the Dallas Quilt Show, and I do intend to do some shopping, but only for batiks and some certain projects. Last year I wore a little wrist band with some little scraps tied to it and used it to match up fabrics. I'm going to do the same thing again.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just Stuff

Our ISP is down for a few days so I'm popping in from work. I can't post any pics from here, but I've been super busy the last few days working on several projects.

I'm making Judy's latest Stash project- I chose a lot of large bright scraps for mine with a few bright novelty rectangles thrown in.

I did get all my brights folded and added up. For me, "brights" includes TOT's and Prints. It is easier for me to find them and pick them if they are all together. I have 145 yards of brights. Yowsa! And 2 boxes of scraps that are brights. I have another scrappy quilt planned with those.

I also added up my novelties, except for the Bugs box and the foods box. Without those I have 79 yards of "things".

And I found 3 more yards of a COC to add to the Neutrals tally, so right now my stash is at 450 yards....Only 1 more large tub to count- the fabrics set aside for borders and backings. After that is the small and medium tubs of colors and projects. I won't be able to get to those till next week.

Hopefully the ISP will be back up and running soon, I want to share some pics of my projects!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Stash Report, Week 10

Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 14.125 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date: 34 1/2 yards

Didn't do any sewing this week but I've been gathering, cutting, and adding it up.

Was really tempted to go to JoAnn's but resisted!

Should have big numbers next week for fabric used though.